Sermons Shared by Our Pastors

Pastor Brett Campbell Sr.
Sunday Morning, July 28, 2024
Sermon Series: "What Happens When Christians Pray?" (Selected Scriptures) #6

"Our God Gives Directions for Life's Journey"
(1 Kings 3:1-15)

Are we willing to trust God's plan for our lives, or do we work our own plan first? God's plan is always much more fulfilling!


  1. He Guides Us Through Our Detours: 1 Kings 3:1-4
     A. Incomplete obedience is a detour (v.1)
     B. Unauthorized worship is a detour (vv.3-4)

  3. He Investigates Our Desires: 1 Kings 3:5-9
     A. Do we want to grow? (v.7b.)
     B. Are we willing to ask God for what we need? (v.9)

  5. He Rewards Our Decisions: 1 Kings 3:10-15
     A. God answers our requests (v.12)
     B. God blesses over and above (vv.13-15)
