About Grace Baptist Church of Greater Kansas City

Meet Pastor Campbell
Pastor Brett Campbell Sr.
Senior Pastor
[email protected]
Brett Campbell Sr. began his spiritual journey in 1974 while watching a Billy Graham program on television. As Dr. Graham gave the gospel of Jesus Christ, He was convicted as a sinner, repented, and invited Jesus as his Savior into his heart (Rom.10:9–10, John 3:16). He met and married his wife Debbie in 1986 (this is their 35th year of marriage). The Lord has blessed their union with three children and three grandchildren: Brett Jr. (wife, Whitney and children: Kyleigh and Ayden), Brittany (daughter, Ariyah), and Erynn.
Pastor Campbell considers his wife, Debbie, his greatest ministry as he learns how to love and lead her.
In 2006, Pastor Campbell was called to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. He was mentored by his Pastor, Dr. Aaron E. Lavender. Pastor Campbell attended and then graduated from Carver Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary completing both A.A. and B.A. degrees in Biblical Studies.
He continued his education at the Master’s International University of Divinity completing a Master of Ministry degree. He was blessed to serve on the pastoral staff of Dr. Lavender at the Grace Baptist Church of Greater Kansas City.
Brett Campbell Sr. began his spiritual journey in 1974 while watching a Billy Graham program on television. As Dr. Graham gave the gospel of Jesus Christ, He was convicted as a sinner, repented, and invited Jesus as his Savior into his heart (Rom.10:9–10, John 3:16). He met and married his wife Debbie in 1986 (this is their 35th year of marriage). The Lord has blessed their union with three children and three grandchildren: Brett Jr. (wife, Whitney and children: Kyleigh and Ayden), Brittany (daughter, Ariyah), and Erynn.
Pastor Campbell considers his wife, Debbie, his greatest ministry as he learns how to love and lead her.
In 2006, Pastor Campbell was called to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. He was mentored by his Pastor, Dr. Aaron E. Lavender. Pastor Campbell attended and then graduated from Carver Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary completing both A.A. and B.A. degrees in Biblical Studies.
He continued his education at the Master’s International University of Divinity completing a Master of Ministry degree. He was blessed to serve on the pastoral staff of Dr. Lavender at the Grace Baptist Church of Greater Kansas City.
During that time, Pastor Campbell has officiated weddings, funerals, and some counseling. He served as Minister of Fellowship, New Members Class Instructor, and facilitator of the Couples Ministry.

During that time, Pastor Campbell has officiated weddings, funerals, and some counseling. He served as Minister of Fellowship, New Members Class Instructor, and facilitator of the Couples Ministry.
He teaches the Apples of Gold courses at the Carver Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary. He and his wife Debbie along with a few other members of GBC host a Good News Club at Holliday Montessori, one of their neighborhood schools. One of the highlights of his ministry is being able to join the evangelism team as they minister at the City Union Mission.
On November 8, 2020, Pastor Campbell was unanimously voted in as the senior pastor of the Grace Baptist Church of Greater Kansas City.
He teaches the Apples of Gold courses at the Carver Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary. He and his wife Debbie along with a few other members of GBC host a Good News Club at Holliday Montessori, one of their neighborhood schools. One of the highlights of his ministry is being able to join the evangelism team as they minister at the City Union Mission.
On November 8, 2020, Pastor Campbell was unanimously voted in as the senior pastor of the Grace Baptist Church of Greater Kansas City.
Our Mission and Beliefs
Vision Statement
- To equip Christians to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. As we seek to obey the Great Commission (Matt 28:19–20) – Making Disciples of all nations.
- Through the Great Commandment (Matt 22:37–40) – Loving God and Our Neighbors.

Mission Statement
Our purpose is to glorify God by conducting a sovereign, Bible-believing, Christ-honoring Baptist Church in accordance with God’s word by:
- Promoting the Worship of God (Psalms 100; John 4:34)
- Edifying Believers (Ephesians 4:11–16)
- Teaching the Whole Counsel (Word) of God (2 Timothy 4:1: Matthew 28:20)
- Administering the Ordinances of Discipline (1 Corinthians 11:23–30)
- Seeking to win the lost at home and abroad (Acts 1:8)
- Establishing other local churches (Acts 2:41–47)
Our Core Values
- Exalting God (Ephesians 3:20)
- Evangelizing the World (Matthew 28:19, 20)
- Engaging the Enemy in Battle (Matthew 16:18)
- Equipping Believers for Service (Ephesians 4:11–16)
- Edifying One Another (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

Our Philosophy of Ministry
What Makes Grace Baptist Church Special
The ministry of Grace Baptist Church is God-honoring, Christ-centered, and Holy Spirit motivated. Our ministry is “Comprehensive”, in that we endeavor to meet the relevant needs of a person’s life. We, therefore:
- Minister to the Soul through evangelism, outreach, and missions;
- Minister to the Mind through discipleship, and expository preaching; and,
- Minister to the Whole Person through training and outreach ministries.
Pastors and Church Staff
Pastoral Leadership

Brett Campbell, Sr.
Senior Pastor
[email protected]

Dr. LeRoy Randolph, Jr.
Executive Pastor
[email protected]
(816) 363-0304

Rev. Kenton Schiele Sr.
Asst. Pastor of Youth & Children
[email protected]
(816) 363-0304
Senior Pastor and Pastoral Staff
In obedience to God’s Word, the leadership of Grace Baptist Church is in the hands of the Senior Pastor (cf. 1Peter 5:1–5). It is the duty of the pastor to “equip the saints for the work of the ministry” (Ephesians 4:11) by preaching and teaching the Word of God, overseeing the church’s functioning, and providing pastoral care to the church’s membership. The Pastoral Staff serves as assistants or is associated with the Senior Pastor.

Associate Ministers

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Council of Deacons
According to the Bible, Deacons are charged with caring for and ministering to the church family (cf. Acts 6:1–7). The Deacon Care Ministry is designed to accomplish several objectives: (1) Bridge the communication gap between church leadership and membership, (2) Involve church membership in fellowship, worship, and service ministries, (3) Enable church leadership to take a comprehensive approach to their ministry, and (4) Keep church unity alive.
Church Staff
Gwendolyn Cozart
Senior Pastor's Secretary
[email protected]
Ronnie Malone
Chairman Board of Deacons
[email protected]
Richard Gaskin
Chairman Trustee Board
[email protected]
Theotis Casey
Business Manager
[email protected]
Richard Gaskin
Church Treasurer
[email protected]
Asst. Treasurer
[email protected]
Iola Garrett
Church Clerk
[email protected]
Chairman of Personnel Committee
[email protected]
Dr. LeRoy Randolph and Marion Caruthers
Chairman of Stewardship Committee
[email protected]

Grace Baptist Church Kansas City – Our Church History
On December 14, 1976, the Fellowship known as Grace Baptist Fellowship, under the leadership of Pastor John Williams voted to become a local New Testament Church. The charter list of members was closed with 29 people, 15 adults, 5 teenagers, and 9 children. The purpose of the said church was that of glorifying God by conducting a sovereign, Bible-Believing, Christ-honoring Baptist Church in accordance with the Word of God. The church met in the facility located at 4400 Wyoming Street, Kansas City, Missouri, until the fall of 1980 when God wonderfully provided other facilities at 1112 East 77th Street, Kansas City, Missouri.
Under the leadership and direction of Pastor Williams, the church grew rapidly and made strives in becoming a self-supporting church. In October of 1983, Pastor Williams resigned to take on an extensive ministry with Baptist Mission of North America.
In December of 1983, the Reverend Roy Collymore became pastor and remained in that position until July 21, 1985, when he resigned to take on work in Laurelton, New York. Pastor Collymore’s ability to present the truth’s of God’s word enabled the church to grow deep roots in their knowledge of God and His Word.
From September 1985 until September 1986, Grace Baptist Church was under the capable hands and leadership of two Interim Pastors. The Reverend Tim Wilbur (September 1985 to December 1985), and the Reverend LeRoy Randolph (April 1986 to September 1986). During this time, the Lord added more than a dozen to the church, the visitation program was reorganized, and there was the establishment of the Family Night Program.
Grace Baptist Church Kansas City – Our Church History
On December 14, 1976, the Fellowship known as Grace Baptist Fellowship, under the leadership of Pastor John Williams voted to become a local New Testament Church. The charter list of members was closed with 29 people, 15 adults, 5 teenagers, and 9 children. The purpose of the said church was that of glorifying God by conducting a sovereign, Bible-Believing, Christ-honoring Baptist Church in accordance with the Word of God. The church met in the facility located at 4400 Wyoming Street, Kansas City, Missouri, until the fall of 1980 when God wonderfully provided other facilities at 1112 East 77th Street, Kansas City, Missouri.
Under the leadership and direction of Pastor Williams, the church grew rapidly and made strives in becoming a self-supporting church. In October of 1983, Pastor Williams resigned to take on an extensive ministry with Baptist Mission of North America.
In December of 1983, the Reverend Roy Collymore became pastor and remained in that position until July 21, 1985, when he resigned to take on work in Laurelton, New York. Pastor Collymore’s ability to present the truth’s of God’s word enabled the church to grow deep roots in their knowledge of God and His Word.
From September 1985 until September 1986, Grace Baptist Church was under the capable hands and leadership of two Interim Pastors. The Reverend Tim Wilbur (September 1985 to December 1985), and the Reverend LeRoy Randolph (April 1986 to September 1986). During this time, the Lord added more than a dozen to the church, the visitation program was reorganized, and there was the establishment of the Family Night Program.
On July 30, 1986, Grace Baptist Church voted to call the Reverend Aaron Lavender to be a pastor. He officially became the pastor on September 14, 1986. Under his leadership, the Lord has blessed Grace Baptist Church with an increase in both morning and evening attendance, the salvation of the lost, the Junior Church program, and the continued establishment of a family-oriented ministry through expository preaching and rich fellowship among the membership.

On July 30, 1986, Grace Baptist Church voted to call the Reverend Aaron Lavender to be a pastor. He officially became the pastor on September 14, 1986. Under his leadership, the Lord has blessed Grace Baptist Church with an increase in both morning and evening attendance, the salvation of the lost, the Junior Church program, and the continued establishment of a family-oriented ministry through expository preaching and rich fellowship among the membership.
In the summer of 1991, the Lord made provision of the present facility at 7203 Paseo Boulevard, Kansas City, Missouri. Since moving to this location, Grace Baptist Church has developed a radio ministry, a van ministry, and an AWANA and Youth Ministry. The Lord’s provision of a quadrupled membership, a growing budget, a growing pastoral staff, and both quality and quantity growth in most of the ministry areas, is a testimony of the continued blessings of God.
In the summer of 1991, the Lord made provision of the present facility at 7203 Paseo Boulevard, Kansas City, Missouri. Since moving to this location, Grace Baptist Church has developed a radio ministry, a van ministry, and an AWANA and Youth Ministry. The Lord’s provision of a quadrupled membership, a growing budget, a growing pastoral staff, and both quality and quantity growth in most of the ministry areas, is a testimony of the continued blessings of God.
Statement of Faith
Concerning the Scriptures
We believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration, and the authority of the Bible. It is God’s Word written, and is our guide in matters of faith and conscience, and was inerrant in the original writing. (II Timothy 3:16, 17; II Peter 1:19–21)
Concerning the True God
We believe in the one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three distinct persons yet one in being, essence, and power. (Exodus 20:2–3; I Corinthians 8:6; I John 5:7)
We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, He is God, the express image of the Father, the One by whom and for whom all things were created. We believe in His virgin birth. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, and became the incarnate Son of God, Immanuel, God with us. (John 1:1, 2; I John 5:20; Matthew 1:20; Luke 1:26–38)
We believe in the person and work of the Holy Spirit, who convicts the world of sin and regenerates, indwells, enlightens, and guides the believer. (II Corinthians 13:14; John 14:16, 17; Romans 8:14–27)

Concerning Angels and Satan
We believe in the reality and personality of angels, including the great enemy of God and man, Satan. (Matthew 4:1-3; II Corinthians 4:4; Revelation 20:10)
Concerning the Fall of Man
We believe that man was created in the image of God: that he sinned and thereby incurred, not only physical death, but also that spiritual death which is separation from God; and that all human beings are born with a sinful nature, and in the case of those who reach moral responsibility become sinners in thought, word and deed. (Genesis 3; Romans 5:10–19)
Concerning Jesus
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, as a representative and substitutionary sacrifice; and all that believe in Him are justified on the ground of His shed blood. (I Corinthians15:3; I Peter 3:18; John 3:1–7; Romans 3:25–26)
We believe in the resurrection of the crucified body of our Lord, in His ascension into Heaven, and His glorified bodily presence at the right hand of God as our High Priest and Advocate. (I Corinthians 15:14; Acts 1:10, 11; Hebrews 10:4–14)
We believe in the imminent coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to receive His church to himself; and in the subsequent, visible, and premillennial return of Christ, with His church, to establish His promised worldwide Kingdom on the earth. (I Thessalonians 4:13–18; Matthew 25:31–46; Revelation 19:11–21)

Concerning Believers in Christ
We believe in the “sonship” of true believers in the family of God. Their sanctification, edification, and security are provided for in the finished work of Christ through faith in and obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior. (John 1:12; 10:27–30)
Concerning the Resurrection
We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust, each in His own order, everlasting blessedness of the saved, and the everlasting conscious punishment of the lost. (Mal 3:18; Romans 6:17–23; Matthew 25:34–41; Luke 6:25; John 5:21–30; I Thessalonians 4:16; Revelation 20:11–15)
Concerning the Great Commission
We believe in the Great Commission as the primary mission of the church. The gospel of the grace of God is to be preached to all the world. Converts are to be taught to follow the Lord in Scriptural baptism and to honor Christ by the observance of the Lord’s Supper and holy living. (Matthew 28:18–20; Ephesians 4:11–16)
Concerning Apostasy
We believe that Grace Baptist Church of Kansas City, Missouri, should have no embarrassing ties which would keep its leadership and membership from exposing apostasy, heresy, or sin. Grace Baptist Church of Kansas City, Missouri, is free from all entangling alliances. We stand separated by God from worldliness whether in personal behavior or “World Church” programs. (II Corinthians 6:14–18; II John 7–11)
Concerning Christian Brotherhood
We believe that all true believers in Christ are brethren regardless of race or skin color. There are two very important factors in making this brotherhood a meaningful reality; a common doctrinal foundation, and a practical demonstration of love one to another, for God is no respecter of persons (John 13:25) and He exhorts us to be liked minded. (Acts 10:34)